Oregon bird haiku

This is the first of two posts about this year’s birding trip to Central Oregon (2024).  A different take In late May, Craig and I spent a delightful few days birding in Central Oregon with cousins Ron and Linda — our annual trip. We began at the Summer Lake Wildlife…

Ring in the New Year!

Happy 2021! May this new year bless us with hope and health, truth and light and peace. I have often heard the expression “to ring in the New Year” without giving much thought to what it meant — aside from churches ringing their bells on New Year’s Eve. But this…

Great-Granddaddy Wise

One of my most prized possessions is a book of poetry written by my great-grandfather — my mother’s mother’s father. His first name was Stidger, but I don’t know whether anyone actually used it. Mom and her sisters called him “Granddaddy Wise” (Wise was his last name), and they adored…